Frequently asked questions
Chromium-6 on heated steel


Chromium-6 compounds can be formed after heat treatment of chromium-containing metals such as stainless steel, for example in heated machine parts of a (wind) turbine or engine. Heating can also take place during grinding or welding. The formation of chromium-6 on metals often occurs when lubricants (known as 'anti-seize paste') are used to prevent the seizing of bolts or parts. Often these heated lubricants look yellow/green (see photo of bolt and nut on the left). Detection of these chromium-6 contaminations on metals is important to prevent exposure to chromium-6.

Example of a stainless steel 304 (A2) bolt and nut with anti-seize paste after heat treatment. The formed yellow/green chromate is clearly visible. The test swab of the TK11™ Chromium-6 Detection Test Kit clearly turns red/purple, indicating that chromium-6 is present.




For more information: see the report about our investigations on the detection of chromium-6 in heated lubricants on stainless steel >>

Chromium-6 in heated lubricants on stainless steel